Free Late Night Food at Sweetwater's One Year Anniversary Party on Thursday
Weekly Half Off Sacramento Roundup

Weekly Sacramento Restaurant Reviews & News Recap


Restaurant Reviews

Dining review: El Dorado Hills' Sienna is doing plenty of things right - Sienna, which took over the 9,500-square-foot building once occupied by the tragic love story known as Masque Ristorante, is doing plenty of things right to gain a foothold in upscale El Dorado Hills. Blair Anthony Robertson in the Sac Bee.

Gatsby's Diner: Follow the green light - Gatsby’s accomplishes what any diner sets out to do: The servers are entertaining and professional, and the burgers more than meet expectations. It’s a green light that doesn’t fade, and encourages you to come in and reach for a menu. Garrett McCord in the Sac News & Review.

4th Street Grille conceals culinary gems -  Since 1992, the 4th Street Grille has been serving unique dishes crafted with care and attention to detail. Happy hour is a perfect time to sample some of the restaurant's extraordinary flavors at a greatly reduced price. Casey Mar in the Sac Bee.

Restaurant News
Cornerstone Restaurant remodel delayed - The owners of Cornerstone Restaurant in Midtown may soon return to court to avoid eviction after the planned renovation of a nearby church has stalled. Suzanne Hurt in Sac Press.

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