Daily Dining News: Sac Bee's Year End Best Of Food Lists...
December 27, 2010
The end of the year means it's time for end of the year lists (including this week's upcoming Top 10 Happy Hours of 2010 from Cowtown Eats.) Over the weekend, the Sac Bee's fine dining critic Blair Anthony Robertson, Counter Culture lunch columnist Allen Pierleoni, and Night Life columnist Casey Mar reviewed their columns from the past year and made their declaration on some of the year's best. Of Note: Blair called Red Lotus the year's best new restaurant and tells readers where he eats when he's not out reviewing restaurants. Allen says the best local lunch can be found at the Crocker Cafe. Casey recommends Pangaea Two Brews Cafe as the hot spot for happy hour.
See Blair's list here, Allen's list here and Casey's list here, all in the Sac Bee.
Other News:
The critic reveals a bit of himself - As The Bee's dining critic, I field lots of questions throughout the year. Here are answers to a few: How many bouts of food poisoning I had in 2010: Zero. Blair Anthony Robertson in the Sac Bee.