Happy Hour at BarWest
Dine Downtown: Restaurant Thir13en

Daily Dining News: Oshima Sushi & Fugu Loung Owners to Replace Brew It Up!


Brew It Up closed in August, and there have been rumblings that a new restaurant would soon take its place. Brandon Darnell in Sac Press has the scoop on the new venture.

Coyote Tap House, a new bar and restaurant serving Asian cuisine complemented by 50-60 beers on tap, is in the works to take the spot at 14th and H streets vacated by Brew it Up! last year...

The owners, brothers Ken and Ming Le, own and have run Oshima Sushi and Fugu Lounge in Natomas since 2004, Mamone-Werder said.

Read the entire story in Sac Press.

More News:

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Dine Downtown Preview: Restaurant Thir13en - Last year, select bloggers were given the opportunity to do a “preview” of the Dine Downtown Menu at the restaurant of their choice, so I gladly jumped at the chance to participate when they contacted me again this year.  I decided to go with Restaurant Thir13en, the newest venture from chef & restaurateur, Adam Pechal (owner & chef of the very popular Tuli Bistro, also participating in Dine Downtown Week). Like last year, I let the menu lead me and while both menus looked fantastic, there was something about Thir13en’s menu that drew me in and wouldn’t let go. Since I like to support new businesses, especially in this difficult economy, I wanted I’d give the “new kid” a try first. Kimberly Morales in Poor Girl Eats Well.

Favorite sandwiches star in new food truck - Coast to Coast Sandwiches – Sacramento’s newest food truck – brings what the owners say are some of their favorite sandwiches from across the country, including a South Philly cheesesteak and a Reuben. Brandon Darnell in Sac Press.

Restaurateur Mai Pham takes Star Ginger to Boston - Restaurateur-chef Mai Pham has worked her cooking magic in Sacramento since 1988, when she debuted Lemon Grass restaurant on Fulton Avenue. It continues to serve some of the best Southeast Asian cuisine anywhere. Allen Pierleoni in the Sac Bee.

Fresca Deli - They say that if life gives you lemons you should make lemonade. And if you have a restaurant whose concept doesn't work, you change concepts. Such is the case with Fresca Deli - formerly the downtown Freshii. Catherine Enfield in Munchie Musings.


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