Dining News: Local Chef Not Headed to ABC's The Taste
Celebrate Centro's 20th Anniversary with $5 Margaritas This Week

Free Lunch from Chando's Tacos at State Capitol Today

One of the random benefits of working near the State Capitol are the random giveaways by interests groups trying to influence decision makers. Because of the state's strict rules on gifts, if special interests give something of value only to lawmakers, regulators or their staff members, it has to be reported to the state. However, if they give it away to the general public, no gift reporting is required.

That's where we benefit from today's event.

Communities for CA Cardrooms will be giving away free lunch for all guests from Chando's Tacos at 11 a.m. on the north steps, reports the Capitol Morning Report. All you have to do is attend their blackjack demonstration. I don't know how long a blackjack demonstration lasts, but it can't be that long right?

Click here for more information.


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