Dining News: Bike Bus Bill Clears First Committee
May 06, 2015
A bill that would allow drinking on "bike buses" has been amended, gained some support and passed through its first legislative committee.
SB 530, authored by Sacramento state senator Dr. Richard Pan, was originally supported by Off the Chain bike tours, but curiously opposed (according to the legislative analysis) by Sac Brew Bike.
I caught up with Sac Brew Bike last week, and they said their opposition was due to a technical issue with the bill. Originally, the bill only legalized drinking on "bike buses" made by one manufacuter - the kind used by Off the Chain that has a floor and an engine -- but not the type used by Sac Brew Bike.
Sen. Pan amended the bill to include both both types of bikes, and Sac Brew Bike is no longer opposed.
Last Week, the bill was heard in Senate Transporation and Housing committee, where it passed 10 to 1. The bill is now headed to Senate Appropriations committee. You can watch the 11 minute video of the bill going though committee. (HT DigitalDemocracy.org.)
Cowtown Eats will keep you updated on the bill as it moves through the legislature.
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