How to Enjoy Kansas City BBQ & Beer in Sac on Saturday
Win 2 VIP Tickets to Sunday's Capitol Beer Fest

Pop-Up Ramen Cart at Hook & Ladder on Tuesday


Sacramento has a number of top notch restaurants serving ramen, including Shoki, Ryujin and Raijin. I've also heard good things about the ramen at Kyoto on Broadway, though I haven't had the chance to try it myself.

But for one night, these esteemed ramen houses will face a mew competitor -- the Ramen Cart at Hook and Ladder.

For $10, new executive chef Matt Masera will be serving:

  1. Kalbi Rib Ramen with grilled broccolini, wood sorrel butter and a six minute egg.
  2. Vegetarian Ramen with mixed vegetables.

Both options include a beer.

Service runs from 5 to 8 p.m. on the Hook and Ladder patio. Cash only.

Hook & Ladder is located at 1630 S Street.


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