Pop-Up Ramen Cart at Hook & Ladder on Tuesday
Pop-Up Restaurant The Burger Patch Serves Vegan 'Beyond Burger' Saturday at Noon

Win 2 VIP Tickets to Sunday's Capitol Beer Fest

1Capitol Beer Fest, one of the highlights of Sac Beer Week, is being held this Sunday afternoon at Railyards.

The event features 125 brewers, 15 food trucks and live music, with proceeds going to the Runnin' for Rhett Youth Fitness Program. Click here for a list of the breweries participating along with the beers they plan to bring.

Cowtown Eats readers can win two VIP tickets to the event, a value of $65 each. VIPs can enter the event starting at 12 noon (one hour earlier than those with general admission tickets), along with token-less beer tastings and a collectible glass.

General admission ($40) starts at 1 p.m., and they also receive token-less tastings and a collectible glass.

Loyal Cowtown Eats readers can win a pair of tickets to this Sunday's event.

You can enter three different ways:

  • On Twitter: Send the following message on Twitter. "I can't wait to try XXX at @SacBeerWeek_'s @capitolbeerfest on Sun. Get your tix at http://www.capitolbeerfest.com/tickets/ #CowtownEats" Replace the XXX with whatever brewery that you're excited to sample.
  • On Facebook: Comment on the Cowtown Eats Facebook Page (preferably, the post that links to this contest) and tell us what brewery you can't wait to try.
  • Leave a comment below with which brewery vendor you're excited to sample.

You can enter once per medium. All those who enter via any of these three means will by 9 a.m. on Friday, March 10 will be entered to win the two VIP tickets. A winner will be selected by random drawing. I'll contact you via whatever means you entered to let you know how to claim your tickets.

As for me, I'm looking forward to trying Flatland Brewing Company from Elk Grove. I haven't had a chance to make it out to check them out yet.

For tickets or more information, visit http://www.capitolbeerfest.com/tickets/. Pro Tip: Buy them in advance. Prices go up on Sunday.


* Congrats to @NJPelczar, who won the two VIP tix. Please e-mail [email protected] for details.


Moonraker no question!


Green Flash Brewing... my taste buds await!

Jackrabbit! Gotta get that sour habbit

Salted Caramel Porter @ Device Brewing Company Sounds Decadent & Delicious!

Bear republic Tartare!!!!

no tartare T_T. Maybe Knee deep then

The Bruery!!!

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