Daily Dining News: Best Restaurant in Sac?
February 22, 2012
In this week's review, Sac Bee restaurant critic Blair Anthony Robertson takes a look at Hawks Restaurant in Granite Bay:
The flavors and the combinations on the plate are broad, focused, often beautiful and, in the case of one dessert involving what I thought would be a German chocolate cake, show touches of edgy, elegant brilliance....
With its fine staff, meticulous training and attention to detail from kitchen to dining room, Hawks is doing enough to be considered the best restaurant we've got.
Read the entire reivew in the Sac Bee. (Also see Kira O'Donnell's thoughts in Sac Mag from March 2011.)
I've never had the chance to try Hawks. Mostly, it's the distance from Downtown that's kept me away, but I do have their Sunday fried chicken dinners on my to do list. I hope they rumors that the owners are looking at a space at Stockton & Alhambra are true.
(See Hawks happy hour information here.)
More News:
The Kitchen Named Semifinalist for James Beard Award - The Kitchen Restaurant, helmed by the Selland Family, is a semifinalist for a James Beard Award for Outstanding Restaurant. (The James Beard awards are the Oscars of the resturant world.) On JamesBeard.org
Eat to Feed the Hungry debuts this week - Starting Feb. 20 and running through Sunday, community members can turn their dinners out on the town into a battle against hunger in the Sacramento region. Sara Islas in Sac Press.
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